Online Blog

The vision of Southern Point is to a enable integration of Africa into the global economy leveraging of technology and information to drive Africa’s development efforts! Africa’s population totaled 1.3 billion people in 2019 made up significantly of a high proportion of youths (who also make up 20% of Global Youth between ages 15-24 years old). Worldometer estimates the median age of the entire African population at 19.7 years!

According to the Singularity Hub we are living in an ‘Information Age’ which is set to change the World and set it on a path either to complete freedom or complete collapse!

Southern Point Online (SPO) is a division of Southern Point Investments (Pty) Ltd an investment company founded in 2016 by Lindani Mabuza in South Africa. SPO is inspired by his perpetual and innate belief in the human spirit and unrelenting optimism on the future of Africa in the World powered by emerging technologies! Technology is decentralizing and democratizing access for global citizens and is connecting the world beyond physical borders.

The Global Information Superhighway 2.0!

The world is abundant with resources and its wealth should be more equitably distributed among all its 7.8 billion inhabitants as of March 2020 according to Wikipedia. Currently the worlds richest 1% holds 44% of the worlds wealth and the wealth gap continues to widen. If this current state persists for an extended period it may lead to social unrest as the ‘have nots’ are getting fed up with the status quo and will soon want to claim a bigger share of the pie.

COVID-19 is set to change the way the world works with digital transformation moving from being a novelty or side project, to being the main thing at the top of all individuals and organizations agendas.

Are you ready for the new digital world? How has your life been impacted by the present and future challenges brought on by a global reset due to a pandemic which will have significant and lasting economic consequences? Economists are predicting a long and flatter shaped recovery. While some see a depression the likes of which has not been seen since the ‘Great Depression’ of the 1930s.

We should embrace technology to create wealth!

Southern Point is a repository of knowledge and information, available to its readers to enable them to:

  1. Enhance digital and other critical skills for ‘the future world of work’
  2. Entrepreneurship in a digital world
  3. Investing in a new digital world
  4. E-commerce
  5. Online Education
  6. Cyber Security
  7. Improve health and wellness
  8. Learn about the following emerging technologies and digital innovation:
    • Electric vehicles
    • Renewable energy (solar powered homes and lighting AFRICA)
    • The future of ‘money’
    • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
    • Fintech
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Big Data
    • Fifth generation technology for cellular networks (5G)

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us!